Oulu University Library informs the following:
Here in Oulu University Library, we want to ensure that our premises and services are free from bullying, harassment, and discrimination in all our libraries (Pegasus Library, Medical Library, Health and Social Care Library, Oulainen Learning Centre). Answer our short survey and tell us what you think are the most important principles that build a safe space in the library.
By completing the survey, you will help us find out whether our customers have experienced or witnessed harassment or discrimination at the library premises and offer us valuable information about what would make our library a safer space for You.
Answering the survey takes about 5 minutes and, if you wish, you can take part in a draw for movie tickets. The survey is conducted in a way that it does not collect the respondent’s contact information or other direct personally identifiable information and they will be processed in confidence by the Safer Space team of the library. Please do not include any personal details or other sensitive information in your answers.
The online survey is open until March 31 at https://link.webropol.com/s/kirjastokysely