What student tutoring is?

Student tutoring is peer tutoring. Student tutors are students themselves and they are tutoring other students on a voluntary basis. Student tutor is usually a second or higher year student.

Tutoring is a part of Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ study counselling. Student tutoring focuses on engaging students to their studies, helping new students grouping with fellow students and on making studying in Oamk more enjoyable. Student tutoring is coordinated by the Student Union OSAKO.

Student tutoring is the most active at the beginning of studies and last throughout the first year. Hence, tutors are expected to be available the whole academic year. Tutors are the first link a new student has to Oamk. Tutors welcome new students, tutees, brief them into studying at Oamk and help them adapt to their new life situation. As a result of tutoring, the adjusting process to cultural and other differences is easier. Tutors can also be of assistance in controlling studying skills and by providing support during a hard course.

If you are already a tutor and need any tutoring materials, you can find them from OSAKO’s Material bank. From there, you can also find a list of current tutors.

OSAKO'S TUTOR RECRUITMENT FOR 2025-2026 IS OPEN ON 13.1.-9.2.2025. The applying happens via Google Forms. You can find the form and more info from the end of this page.

Tutoring Dictionary

Become a tutor

Every year new students need new volunteers to become a tutor. Everyone who studies in Oamk can apply to be a tutor and participate in tutor training. International tutors guide exchange students and international degree students. The tutoring is done in English, and in addition to language skills, you also need to fill some other requirements too. See them from below.

– Your studies are progressing at a reasonable pace.
– You’re motivated and ready to commit to being a tutor.
– You have the capabilities to act as a tutor to the new students (psychosocial skills, mental wellbeing, physical wellbeing).
– You have the capability to communicate constructively with the students and the staff of the school.
– You don’t have problems with the use of substances (Alcohol, drugs, etc.)
– You have not faced disciplinary actions (e.g., warnings or cheating).
– The authorities have not expressed concerns about you.

If these requirements aren’t met, that can prevent you from being chosen as a tutor or your selection can be revoked afterwards if OAMK or OSAKO become aware of such a hinderance relating to these matters.


Foreign students need other students to help them cope with their studies and student life. As an international tutor you will be a friend and a guide. You might be the first person a foreign student learns to know in Finland, and it is your job to make sure that the student gets settled in comfortably and easily.

For you, tutoring is an amazing opportunity to develop your group guidance and performing skills. Tutoring is a great way to to socialize, and as a bonus you can apply study credits after your tutoring has ended. As an international tutor you are entitled to take part in the study course Y00027E International tutoring (3cr). If you continue your tutoring for one more year, you get 5 credits from the Comprehensive Student Tutoring course. In order to get the credits you need to be available the whole academic year. You can apply the credits after finishing your tutoring.

You can find a list of OSAKO’s current tutors from our website’s material bank, tutoring section.

OSAKO's tutor recruitment


Tutors’ work term is one academic year. In return, tutors get a tutor t-shirt and tutor badge, which are a sign for new students that you are a tutor, and also the study credits. Also, as an international tutor, you gain new friends, learn to know different cultures, get international work experience and improve your language skills.

OSAKO arranges for all active tutors a pre-Christmas party and a spring get-together-evening.

Ask more information from your tutors, your field’s tutor representative and OSAKO’s board member responsible for tutoring.

I want to become a tutor

I am a tutor and I would like to continue

If you are a new tutor, apply to be a tutor with Google Forms.

Please note: You need to use Oamk’s email address to fill the application.

As you answer, ponder these questions:
What attributes do you possess that would be beneficial to you in tutoring a group?
Have you noticed any challenges that you may have when interacting with people?
What attributes/skills/knowledge do you possess that you would be able to pass on to the new students?

If you have any questions regarding international tutoring or applying, please contact us. 

If you are a continuing tutor, please send your application with the same Google Forms that new tutors do.

Please note that you need to use Oamk’s email address to fill the application.

As a continuing tutor, you don’t need to participate in tutor training.

If you have any questions regarding international tutoring or applying, please contact us.

Tutor training and meetings