Student Card Related Topics

Delivery times vary from one week to a month. Autumn is the busiest time of year for card orders, which impacts delivery times. The student card is delivered to your campus or straight to you if you have paid for the shippping on However, you can start using the digital student card of Pivo before your physical card arrives, after you have paid for your membership.

Order a new card via this page. If you have already paid the membership fee, you only need to pay for the new card.

If you can’t visit OSAKO’s office or the service point in your campus, we can agree on delivering the sticker by mail to you. Pay the shipping fee of 2,5 euros when ordering your membership/card here.

You can use the old card until the sticker is no longer valid. However, remember to have a certificate of your name change with you. After the sticker becomes unvalid  you need to order a new card.

Yes. If you change from one university of applied sciences to another, you have to order a new card.

It is not necessary to order a new card if you continue studying in the same university of applied sciences. Please be noted that your student number changes, so the card may not be valid as a library card anymore.

No. Students are always members of the student union of their own university of applied sciences. Student union OSAKO is a member of SAMOK, individual students are not.

Contact OSAKO at We also answer your questions her on our chat fro Monday to Friday from 10 am to 3 pm.


Everyone’s welcome to the meetings of the Body of Representatives. All students can also take part in the meetings of OSAKO’s teams. You can also get a permission to attend board meetings, but this should be agreed on beforehand with the Chairperson of the Board. Contact us here.

A field-specific student association is a student organization of a certain study field. Student Union OSAKO is a student organization for all the students of Oamk. OSAKO and field-specific associations work in close co-operation to promote students’ interests.

OSAKO is practically a “full-time job” for the board members, so it is justified to pay them a small compensation on a monthly basis. The board members are not able to study full-time and are not entitled to collect financial aid for students.

They are two different people. According to OSAKO’s rules, the Chairperson of the Body of Representatives is the President of the Student Union as a whole. This is based on the fact that the Body of Representatives has the highest decision-making power in OSAKO. The Chairperson of the Bory of Representatives also guides OSAKO’, board and its employees in their everyday work.

The Board is the executive part of OSAKO that carries out the decisions made by the Body of Representatives. The Chairperson of the Board leads the student union’s work in practice.

When OSAKO publishes position papers it represents all students of Oamk. The student union has traditionally commented only on issues that are related to students and education. OSAKO raises its opinion on matters that the members and the Body of Representatives wish to influence on.

Benefits of the work carried out by the student union are often immaterial, and OSAKO’s influence might not always be evident to students. In addition to enhancing the position, legal protection, participation opportunities and study conditions of students, some of the most obvious benefits are the student card discounts. The student union’s interest work extends beyond Oamk to the decision-making on both local and national level.

You get valuable and recognized experience on various tasks and matters. You also get to influence on issues concerning students, both big and small. You make new friends and networks that may benefit you in the future. You’ll also learn things and get opportunities which you’d have to wait for years in working life.

OSAKO is funded by membership fees and general support from Oamk. Oamk buys certain services from the student union, such as organizing tutoring and international activities.




Academic year sticker.

A sticker attached to the student card, which tells if the card holder’s membership is valid. The sticker needs to be renewed yearly.


A person who has graduated (from Oamk). The alumni activities are coordinated by the alumni association in Oamk.



Body of Representatives.

The highest decision-making power in OSAKO lies in the hands of 25 representatives. Members of the body are elected by the students each year. All members of OSAKO have both the right to vote and to run for a seat. Read more on!



A building/group of buildings that houses the university of applied sciences. Oamk has two campuses in Oulu and one in Oulainen.

Checkpoint orienteering.

A form of an event, where participants do assignments at checkpoints. There are several checkpoint orienteering events throughout the year.


Degree programme team.

The degree programme teams are teams that do education development in their own degree programmes. There is an own team for each programme, and they consist of members of students, staff and working life.



Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. Their mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students.


Fagerholm Heidi.

Oamk Oy’s CEO and the rector of OUAS.

Field-specific student association.

Associations that represent the students of a certain field. Kultti represents students of media and performing arts, Luva the students of renewable natural rescources, OSASTO the students of social and health care, Outo the students of business and OTE the students of engineering.



Oulu’s student community’s massive opening festival. Both OSAKO and OYY organize this massive event for OUAS and OU students. The first one of all time was just in the fall of 2021.


International tutor.

A student, whose task is to guide international students in studying in Oamk and living in Oulu.



The field-specific student association of students of media and performing arts.



LABs are an inspired multidisciplinary way of learning in Oamk. The participants develop new products or services in real-life projects.


The field-specific student association of students of natural resources.



A student’s guide, who is already in working life.



OIO is the local student association of the nationwide engineers’ trade union.


The student intranet, where most information related to studies can be found.


Finnish for BYOB, bring your own bottle (and towel). If the event info states OPMx2, it meas to take both your own drinks and a towel for sauna purposes.


The field-specific student association of social and health care students.


The field-specific student association of engineering students.


A traditional party that used to be held on April 29 in Otokylä. The main activities were eating sausage and bathing in the Tynskä barrel sauna.


OUAS’s library site. Loan, search and look for library books and services on Oula!


The field-specific student association of business students.

Overall badge (or patch).

Fabric-made badges that are attached to overalls. The more you have, the more you have studied – or maybe partied. You get overall badges from events you attend, but you can also buy them.


A student’s party outfit. Each field of studies has their own; students of culture and media have dark red, students of engineering yellow, students of social and health care white, students of business mint green and students of natural resources have yellow-green overalls. Especially two rules apply; whatever is attached to the overalls may not be removed and the only way to wash the overalls is to have a shower or swim while wearing them.


The student union of the students of University of Oulu which co-operates with OSAKO.




The legendary afterparty to the opening ceremony of the academic year and the first student party in the autumn. Nowadays from 2021 forward the opening festival is called Hurmos, and it is organized by OSAKO and OYY together!



A member of OSAKO’s body of representatives. The representatives are elected every November.



The union of student unions in Finland. Represents all Finnish university of applied sciences students.

Sittning or sitsit.

A certain form of a student party, which includes dinner, drinks, drinking songs and speeches. There is a certain code of behavior and breaking it will result in punishment. The dress code is often to a theme, but always more formal than overalls. Often referred also as sitz party.

Sports pass.

A sticker that can be bought to the student card, which gives discounts on sports services and the courses of University Sports of Oulu.

Student card.

The membership card of your student union. This card entitles its holder to student discounts. The student card can only be obtained via OSAKO.

Student union.

The representative of all the students of university of applied sciences. There is a student union in every single UAS in Finland. The student union at Oulu university of applied sciences is OSAKO.

Study credit.

Measures the scope of the courses. One study credit accounts for 27 hours of work.



Is included in every degree. It is the final school assignment done, and its aim is to demonstrate the student’s abilities in expert duties.

Tour d’Oulu.

A non-alcoholic checkpoint orienteering arranged for new students at the start of the academic year. The goal of Tour d’Oulu is for the students to get to know Oulu and their study groups.


Trapesti is a company founded by Oamk students. It sells communication, digital media and financial administration services.


A student, whose task is to guide younger students into life in Oulu and studies at Oamk.


A personal assistant for every student for their everyday studies: a app to browse your schedule, register for courses, navigate the campus, use the library, check the restaurant menus and much more. Also used in Oamk.


A barrel sauna which is pushed from Hietasaari to city centre and back at Vappu.



Sometimes referred to as Wappu. The Finnish word for May Day, but the Student Wappu lasts from a few days to several weeks depending on what and where you study.

The Wappu means party after party, but the abslolute climax is the OSAKO’s Wappu – a huge checkpoint orienteering with more than 1000 participants and an afterparty.


Well-being tutor.

A fellow student, who guides his/her tutorees in trying out new sports or attending culture events.

Winter Rumble.

A yearly sledging competition and afterparty arranged by OSAKO in February/March.