
Student, have you heard of Nyyti’s QueerMieli project yet?

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Nyyti Ry’s QueerMieli project promotes mental health among LGBTIQA+ students. From this article, you can find more info about their activities for spring 2025. The activities are aimed at LGBTIQA+ students in higher education and those working together with them.

  1. Peer support group: Emotional skills for LGBTIQA+ (FI)
  2. Peer support group: Feeling lonely under the rainbow (FI)
  3. Make your voice heard – welcome to share your views about LGBTIQA+ students’ mental resources! (FI)
  4. Peer support hangouts in English for international students who are LGBTIQA+ (EN)
  5. QueerMieli inspiration webinar: Saavutettavuus sateenkaarevasti? (FI)
  6. Webinar: Mitä kuuluu, sateenkaariopiskelija? (FI)
  7. QueerMieli training for actives in student organisations (FI)
  8. QueerMieli training for personnel in higher education (FI)

1. Peer support group: Emotional skills for LGBTIQA+ (in Finnish)

The group starts Tuesday 25 March 2025 | 5-7 pm, face to face meetings at Kaisa House, Helsinki, free of charge

The group on emotional skills is aimed at all LGBTIQA+ students in higher education over 18 years of age, interested in increasing their emotional skills through discussions, creative exercises, and mindfulness. The group deals with various themes concerning emotions and emotional regulation and strives to find ways for self-regulation especially in situations causing minority stress.

The group gathers three times during the period 25 March – 8 April at 5-8 pm (3 hours/meeting) at the Helsinki University Main Library in the Kaisa House. Max 10 participants.  

Read more and sign up: Sateenkaareva tunnetaitoryhmä – Nyyti ry

2. Peer support group: Feeling lonely under the rainbow (in Finnish)

The group starts Tuesday 22 April 2025 | 5-7 pm, Zoom

The group gathers at Zoom and is aimed at LGBTIQA+ students in higher education, who wish to reflect on their own experiences of loneliness and emotions related to loneliness. The group is free of charge, closed, time-limited and meets online. The group gathers Tuesdays on 22 April, 29 April, 13 May and 20 May at 5-7 pm. Registrations are accepted starting 24 March.

Read more and sign up: Sateenkaareva Yksinäisyys -vertaisryhmä – Nyyti ry

3. Peer support hangouts for international LGBTIQA+ students (in English): “Cheers for the Queers! @Zoom”

Wednesdays 7 May and 14 May | 5-7 pm, Zoom

Welcome to join our English-speaking online safer space hangout! Hangout is for international students in higher education and we wish to share the queer joy among every one of you. Hangout is an ideal place to discuss about experiences of minority stress as an international LGBTQIA+ student and share your heart and mind with others. Student life can be hard but let us all enjoy it with while it lasts – while spreading love and acceptance around us! Further info will be available at our website by the end of March.

4. Make your voice heard – welcome to share your views about LGBTIQA+ students’ mental resources! (in Finnish)

Thursday 10 April | 10–12 am, Zoom

During the dialogue session, we talk about factors that – either negatively or positively – affect the mental health of LGBTIQA+ students. To what extent are things that happen within the university community impactful; how do external factors affect students’ ability to study and their overall energy? The event is part of the National Dialogues on Mental Resources in the spring of 2025.

We hope that the session will attract students who belong to sexual and/or gender minorities, professionals working in higher education, or others who are generally interested in promoting the well-being of LGBTIQA+ students. The conversation will only take place between participants and will be facilitated by staff from the QueerMieli project. The session has room for 8 participants and is not open to the public.

Read more and sign up:–Mielen-voimavarat-sateenkaareville-korkeakouluyhteisossa/0

5. QueerMieli inspiration webinar: Saavutettavuus sateenkaarevasti? (in Finnish)

Friday 21 March 2025 | 8.30-9 am, Zoom

What defines a higher education community, safe for LGBTIQA+ students and how could you promote it? The webinar is suitable for you, who in your own work wish to promote equality and responsible communication and are looking for examples of what that could mean especially concerning LGBTIQA+ diversity in the higher education setting.

Read more and sign up: QueerMieli-virittäytymiswebinaari: Saavutettavuus sateenkaarevasti? – Nyyti ry

6. Webinar: Mitä kuuluu, sateenkaariopiskelija? (in Finnish)

Thursday 10 April, 2025 | 8.30-9.15 am Zoom

In the webinar during the Students’ Mental Health Week, we will share the results from the QueerMieli project’s student survey and discuss what they reveal about minority stress, its causes, and its consequences for the well-being of LGBTIQA+ students.

Read more and sign up: Webinaari: Mitä kuuluu sateenkaariopiskelija?

7. QueerMieli training for actives in student organisations (in Finnish)

Thursday, 3 April 2025 | 9–12 am, Zoom

In the trainings for actives in student organisations you will learn more about the diversity among students in terms of gender, sexual orientation and relationships. We will look into the concept of minority stress and its impacts on wellbeing, and ways to promote inclusivity in activitites.The training is online, on Zoom.

Read more and sign up: QueerMieli-koulutukset opiskelijajärjestöjen aktiiveille – Nyyti ry

8. QueerMieli training for personnel in higher education (in Finnish)

Friday 4 April 2025 | 9–12 am, Zoom

In the trainings for personnel in higher education we learn about minoritystress, its causes and consequences for students’ wellbeing. We will look into ways to promote inclusivity and non-discrimination in tuition and student services. The training is arranged online on Zoom.

Read more and sign up: QueerMieli-koulutukset korkeakoulujen henkilöstölle – Nyyti ry

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